Pictures from Illinois Rainbow 2004-2005
Watch this page for submissions of photos and news from the membership in Illinois!
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A picture of your Assembly, District, or Area events could be seen here. 
Submit your photo and caption to the Illinois Web Master! grandwebmaster


Official Visits

Grand Line Officer's Reception

Other Events

Illinois State Fair Admissions Fundraiser Project
THANK YOU to EVERYONE who helped to make this project such a success!

Mrs. Renda selling admission tickets.

Mr. Renda taking tickets at the main gate.

Mr. Renda and Mrs. Nelson at the main gate of the Illinois State Fair, August 17th, 2004

District #4 working at Gate 2
A picture of your Assembly, District, or Area events could be seen here. 
Submit your photo and caption to the Illinois Web Master! grandwebmaster

Illinois Rainbow Leadership Camp is a great success!! 
Pictures from 2004 Illinois Rainbow Leadership Camp

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